« Aikido is the Way and Principle of
harmonizing Heaven, Earth and Humanity. »
Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969)
Founder of Aikido
Here is how the three ideograms translate.
合 – ai – harmony, union
気 – ki – energy, spirit
道 – dō – way, path
The purpose of Aikido is to polish (to harmonize) the heart and the body through the practice of techniques repeated again and again, in order to bring out the best of them.
Aikido is not a self-defense art. There are no Aikido competitions. When training with a partner, there is no winner, no loser, only two people training together.
Aikido can be practised by anyone, men, women, no matter their age or physical abilities.
Aikido develops a sense of balance, flexibility of the body and of the mind, being in touch with one’s senses, and a respectful attitude towards oneself and the others.
Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Master Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969).
It is a non violent practice and a way of self-development.
Master Morihei Ueshiba

Master Morihei Ueshiba is the founder of Aikido. He was born in 1883 in Tanabe, Kumano province, Japan. From a young age he was taught various contemporary martial arts and was brought up in diverse spiritual traditions.
He eventually dedicated all his life to the study of Budo and spirituality. He created Aikido in 1923 as a synthesis of older two-handed techniques and the art of swordsmanship.
In 1940 or so, he primarily turned to a spiritual aim, striving to develop love and harmony through the practice of his art. After his passing in 1969, his art, Aikido, grew in scope and is now taught throughout the world. Master Ueshiba is buried in Tanabe. His grandson Moriteru Ueshiba is now in charge of the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo, international headquarters of Aikido.

Quotation by Hikitsuchi Michio Sensei, 10th Dan
« Aikido is the Budo of great love. It is a path to reach personal achievements, not to have ennemies and to eliminate the very notion of an ennemy. It is therefore a way for one’s heart to grow, planting the seeds of great harmony, and bring joy and happiness to people, whether they be from here or from another country. »

Michio Hikitsuchi Sensei

Hikitsuchi Sensei was born in 1923 in Shingu in the Kumano area.
He started studying martial arts before the age of 10. When he was 14 he became a student of the founder O-Sensei. He was to follow his teaching for 36 years and was given the highest grade, 10th dan, by
O-Sensei himself.
He was also granted permission to teach how to handle the long wooden staff (Masakatsu Bo-jutsu), and the wooden sword (Sho Chiku Bai no Ken). In 1954, at the request of O-Sensei, he founded the Kumano Juku Dojo in Shingu and remained its head (Dojo Cho) until his passing on February 2, 2004. He devoted his life to the study and teaching of Aikido, which he passed on with generosity and openness to many foreign students around the world.
Motomichi Anno Sensei

Anno Sensei was born in 1931 in the Kumano province. When he was 23 years old, Anno Sensei became a student of Aikido at the Kumano Juku Dojo. He faithfully followed his teaching until Hikitsuchi Sensei’s passing. He was personally asked to be the Dojo Cho of the Kumano Juku Dojo, a role he served until 2013. He was also a student of O-Sensei for 15 years and received his 6th dan directly from the founder’s hands. An 8th-degree black belt since 1978, he is now the head of the Kishu Kumano Aïkikai Funada Dojo. For more than 60 years he has been studying and transmitting the Budo teachings of O-Sensei, in Japan and worldwide.
With charisma, kindness, joy and humility, he accompanies his students on the way to harmony, peace and love through his practice of Aikido. In 2009, Motomichi Anno Sensei received the prestigious Distinguished Service Award from Nihon Budo Kyogikai, the Japan Martial Arts Association, recognizing his lifetime dedication to teaching Aikido.
© by Beau Saunders
Juerg Steiner Sensei

Juerg Steiner Sensei was born in 1960 in Switzerland and he has been practising Aikido since 1980. He spent 12 years in Shingu where he studied Aikido at the Kumano Juku Dojo. He was a close student of both Hikitsuchi Sensei and Anno Sensei.
After returning to Switzerland in 2000, he started the Centre Kumano in Biel/Bienne where he remains Dojo Cho. He holds the rank of 7th dan. He continues to develop his art with Anno Sensei at the Kishu Kumano Aïkikai Funada Dojo where he spends at least one month a year. He has invited Anno Sensei several times in Switzerland, and himself led seminars in Australia, the USA and Europe.
His teaching is precise, generous, deep and comprehensive. It appeals to the heart, body and mind.

Jintsu Aïkido Dojo, Carouge

Our dojo is located in the city of Carouge and was brought to life by several experienced aikidokas having a mad desire to practise again. Convinced that Aikido brings a plus to our lives, we found a welcoming place for our new dojo at the ARTCOR Centre (21 Avenue Jacques Grosselin). It is a space of tranquility, benevolence and respect.
The name of our dojo « Jintsu Aikido » comes from an original calligraphy by Anno Sensei, 8th dan Aikikai Tokyo. The translation of Jintsu Aikido is not an easy one, but the main meaning is that Aikido is the direct route to a universal knowledge of love and peace.
We welcome anybody for a visit or try a class. The courses are open to all from the age of 15. Courses are mixed -beginners and advanced aikidokas practise together for the benefit of each other. The practice of Aikido is done in pairs, in a sharing of various techniques.

Véronique Tena, Jintsu Aikido Dojo

Véronique Tena started Aikido in 1998. Her teachers were Jean-Charles Wälti Sensei from 1998 to 2001, then Jean-Pierre Künzi Sensei from 2002 to 2019 in Geneva. She now follows the teaching of Juerg Steiner Sensei in Bienne/Biel (Centre Kumano).
She holds the rank of 5th dan. From 2008 up until now she has been six times to Japan to study under Anno Sensei, 8th dan Aikikai Tokyo: first of all at the Kumano Dojo in Shingu, Hikitsuchi Sensei’s dojo; then at Kishu Kumano Aikikai Funada Dojo, created by Anno Sensei.
She has taken part in many international seminars in Europe and the USA. Véronique Tena maintains immense gratitude to her different teachers who have so generously guided her along her way.
She has also practiced the Japanese floral art Ikebana for more than 10 years under the teaching of Yumiko Shimada Sensei, at Ikebana Ikenobo Study Group Geneva.
Our classes

8:00pm – 9:30pm
Two free trial classes!
Fees : CHF 90.- per month, 12 months a year
Students, unemployed, AVS, disability Insurance: CHF 60.- per month
Price reduction from two members of the same family: CHF 60.- per person per mont
The dojo remains open throughout the year, unless otherwise noted. Dues shall be due for 12 months. The fees should not prevent anyone from practising – discussion is possible in case of a particular personal situation.
Deux cours à l'essai gratuits !
Cours enfants
La pratique de l’Aïkido favorise un développement physique et psychique équilibré de l’enfant.
L’enfant renforce sa confiance personnelle, augmente sa capacité de concentration et développe
ses aptitudes motrices et sociales. Les cours ont lieu dans un cadre respectueux et calme.
les mercredis de 16h30 à 17h30
Age : de 8 à 13 ans, mixte
CHF 60.- / mois, 10 mois par année
Réduction à partir de deux membres de la même famille, soit CHF 50.- / mois / personne.